Our Electronic Invoicing Global (EIG) Community

E-invoicing challenges on global level turn out to be similar

By Mitzi Blokker, business manager E-invoicing solutions

Many conversations about e-invoicing have taken place over the past three years and with the launch of Electronicinvoicing.Global, this number has increased rapidly. E-invoicing strategies, software vendor selection processes and the need of a uniform e-invoicing standard were amongst the subjects of these conversations. E-invoicing is an important subject for tax-, IT- and finance managers.

With clients all over the world, active in many different sectors, it is interesting to see to what extent the challenges differ from one another. It is even more interesting to see how often these challenges turn out to be similar. With hundreds of contacts all around the world sharing one and the same interest, a community is born. 
We would like to unite members of this community. The community shall revolve around knowledge sharing, creating efficiency and networking on a global scale. You are welcome to share your input about community events. To be continued.!
Last week, our LinkedIn Page Electronic invoicing Global was launched. A place where articles and other relevant global e-invoicing content will be posted. Make sure to follow this page and invite others who might be interested. Hope to see you there!

Get in touch.

Do you have any questions regarding our knowledge base or would you like to know more about our services? We are ready to help you. Your success is our priority, and we look forward to working with you.

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